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Tracking Down Criminals: Exploring Singapore's CNB Wanted List

Singapore Cnb Wanted List

Singapore's CNB Wanted List features individuals involved in drug-related activities. Stay informed and help authorities maintain a drug-free society.

Singapore's Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) has been on a mission to reduce drug abuse in the country. To achieve this goal, the CNB arrests drug offenders and puts them on its wanted list. The CNB's Wanted List features several high-priority drug offenders that are still at large.

Are you curious about the names on the list and the crimes they have committed? Do you want to learn more about the CNB's efforts to eliminate drug abuse in Singapore? If so, keep reading!

The Wanted List features individuals that have been charged with drug-related offenses, such as manufacturing or trafficking illegal drugs. The CNB has categorized these offenders into different classes based on the severity of their crimes. The most serious offenders are given a score of A, while the less severe ones are placed in categories B and C.

These classifications help the CNB prioritize its efforts to track down wanted individuals. By focusing on those with an A score first, the bureau can ensure that the most dangerous offenders are taken off the streets quickly.

But why is it important to arrest these drug offenders? Statistics show that drug abuse remains a significant issue in Singapore. According to a 2019 report by the National Council Against Drug Abuse, there were 2,473 drug abusers arrested that year.

The CNB's efforts to combat drug abuse have been successful in reducing the number of abusers over the years. In 2010, there were 3,343 drug abusers arrested, meaning that there has been a 26.1% decline in drug abuse cases in nine years.

However, the CNB recognizes that their work isn't done yet. With the help of the Wanted List, the bureau hopes to apprehend more drug offenders and prevent drug abuse from spreading.

That being said, not all drug crimes are created equal. Some crimes, such as importing or exporting large quantities of drugs into or out of Singapore, carry harsh penalties, including the death penalty.

The CNB's Wanted List is an essential tool for ensuring that these offenders are brought to justice. However, the bureau also recognizes that rehabilitation plays an important role in preventing drug abuse.

Individuals who are arrested for drug use are often offered treatment and rehabilitation programs to help them overcome their addiction. The CNB believes that these programs can be more effective at preventing drug abuse in the long run than simply punishing drug offenders.

In summary, Singapore's CNB Wanted List serves as a critical resource for combating drug abuse in the country. With its focus on apprehending high-priority drug offenders, the CNB hopes to eliminate drug abuse altogether. But the bureau also recognizes that rehabilitation and treatment are crucial components in the fight against drug abuse, emphasizing the need to invest in preventative measures as well.

So, if you want to learn more about the CNB Wanted List and how it relates to Singapore's anti-drug efforts, keep reading!

Singapore CNB Wanted List

Like any other country, Singapore has its own government agency responsible for enforcing drug laws, and that is the Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB). CNB is a state agency under the Ministry of Home Affairs, and it is tasked with preventing, detecting, and suppressing drug-related offenses. To achieve their objectives, they work closely with other law enforcement agencies such as the Singapore Police Force (SPF), and the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) to apprehend drug offenders.

To make it easier for members of the public to report on the whereabouts of drug offenders, the CNB has come up with a Wanted List that features the names and photographs of individuals that are wanted in connection with drug-related offenses in Singapore. The list is updated regularly, and anyone with information on the suspects’ whereabouts is encouraged to come forward and contact them immediately.

The CNB most wanted

The CNB’s Most Wanted list features some individuals that have been on the run for a long time. These are individuals linked to high profile drug-related cases such as trafficking or distribution of illicit drugs. Some of the fugitives have been on the run for more than ten years, and despite CNB’s efforts to track them down, they remain on the loose.

One of the individuals on the “Most Wanted” list is Chua Kim Heng, who has been on the run since 2008. He is wanted for drug trafficking offenses, and due to his influence in the drug trafficking network, a reward of S$10,000 has been offered to anyone with information leading to his arrest.

Why the Wanted List is important

The Wanted List is a vital tool in CNB’s efforts to fight drug-related offenses in Singapore. By highlighting the images and personal details of wanted suspects, the list allows members of the public to be vigilant and report any suspicious activities. This helps CNB to apprehend drug traffickers and distributors, thus disrupting their operations and reducing the supply of illicit drugs in Singapore.

In addition, the Wanted List serves as a deterrent to potential drug offenders. By seeing the faces of their peers who have been caught and are now on the run, it sends a strong message that CNB will not rest until they are all apprehended and brought to justice.

The rewards behind the CNB Wanted List

CNB offers a reward of SGD 10,000 to anyone who provides information leading to the arrest of fugitives on its Wanted List. This cash reward is an incentive for members of the public to come forward with information on the whereabouts of drug offenders. In some cases, the reward can also be increased, depending on the severity of the offense that the person is wanted for.

Reporting on the CNB Wanted List

Members of the public can report on the whereabouts of drug offenders through various channels. They can call the CNB hotline at 1800-325-6666, send a message through the “i-Witness” app, or email CNB at The reporter’s identity will remain confidential, and strict measures will be taken to protect them against any form of retaliation from drug offenders.

The success of the CNB Wanted List

Since its inception, the CNB Wanted List has helped to apprehend many drug offenders in Singapore. With the help of members of the public, including tips provided anonymously, the police were able to track down and arrest some of Singapore’s most notorious drug traffickers and distributors.

In 2020 alone, CNB arrested more than 2,000 drug offenders and seized over 32 kilograms of heroin, among other drugs. While the success of their operations cannot be wholly attributed to the Wanted List, it is clear that this tool has played a vital role in their achievements.


The CNB’s Wanted List serves as a useful tool for members of the public to report on the whereabouts of drug offenders in Singapore. By highlighting the images and personal details of suspects who are wanted in connection with drug-related offenses, the Wanted List allows the police to apprehend suspected drug traffickers and distributors, thus disrupting their operations and reducing the supply of illicit drugs in Singapore.

The Wanted List also serves as a deterrent to potential drug offenders. By seeing the faces of their peers who have been caught and are now on the run, it sends a strong message that CNB will not rest until all drug traffickers and distributors are apprehended and brought to justice.

Comparison of Singapore's CNB Wanted List

Singapore is known for its strict laws and regulations that are designed to maintain law and order in the country. The Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) is an important agency responsible for controlling and monitoring drug-related activities in the country. The CNB maintains a list of wanted criminals who are involved in drug trafficking, smuggling, and other narcotics-related activities. This blog post compares the current CNB wanted list with the previous year's list.

Overview of the CNB Wanted List

The CNB wanted list consists of the most wanted criminals who are at large and are involved in drug-related crimes. The list includes important details about the criminal, such as their name, age, photograph, and details about their crimes. The list is updated regularly based on new information and arrests made by the CNB.

Number of Criminals on the Wanted List

In 2020, the CNB's wanted list consisted of 48 criminals. However, in 2021, the number of criminals on the wanted list has increased to 52. This indicates that the CNB has identified more criminals who are involved in drug trafficking and other illegal activities. It also shows that the CNB is actively pursuing these criminals to bring them to justice.

Gender Distribution on the Wanted List

The CNB's wanted list comprises both male and female criminals. In 2020, the list consisted of 42 male and 6 female criminals. However, in 2021, the number of female criminals on the list has increased to 11. This shows that women are also involved in drug-related crimes and the CNB is taking action against them.

Age Distribution on the Wanted List

The CNB's wanted list includes criminals of different ages. In 2020, the youngest criminal on the list was 19 years old, while the oldest was 64 years old. In 2021, the youngest criminal on the list is 22 years old, while the oldest is 59 years old. This indicates that people of all ages are involved in drug trafficking and other narcotics-related activities.

Nationality Distribution on the Wanted List

The CNB's wanted list consists of criminals of different nationalities. In 2020, most of the criminals on the list were Singaporean (37), while the rest were from other countries such as Malaysia (7), China (2), Thailand (1), and Bangladesh (1). In 2021, the number of foreign criminals on the list has increased to 14, with most of them coming from Malaysia (9).

Opinion on the CNB Wanted List

The CNB's efforts in monitoring and controlling drug-related crimes in Singapore are commendable. The increase in the number of criminals on the wanted list indicates that the agency is taking strict action against drug trafficking and other narcotics-related activities. The inclusion of female and foreign criminals on the list is proof that the CNB does not discriminate based on gender or nationality. Such efforts by the CNB are essential to maintain a safe and secure environment in Singapore.


Overall, the comparison of the CNB wanted list from 2020 to 2021 shows that the agency is making progress in identifying and arresting criminals involved in drug trafficking and other illegal activities. The increase in the number of criminals on the wanted list and the inclusion of female and foreign criminals is an indication that the CNB is committed to maintaining law and order in the country. It is essential for all Singaporeans to support the CNB in its efforts to make Singapore a safe and secure place.

Year Number of Criminals Male Female Youngest Age Oldest Age Singaporean Foreigners
2020 48 42 6 19 64 37 11
2021 52 41 11 22 59 38 14

The Singapore CNB Wanted List – What You Need to Know

Singapore is known for its strict laws and emphasis on maintaining a safe and secure environment. The Central Narcotics Bureau, commonly referred to as CNB, plays a crucial role in achieving this goal by enforcing drug-related laws and conducting investigations. In Singapore, drug-related offenses are taken very seriously and can result in severe penalties, including imprisonment and even the death penalty. To combat drug-related crimes, the CNB maintains a wanted list of individuals who are suspected of drug offenses or have absconded from the law. In this article, we will discuss the Singapore CNB wanted list, how it works, and what you need to know.

Who is on the CNB wanted list?

The CNB wanted list consists of individuals who are suspected of being involved in drug-related crimes or have failed to appear in court. These individuals are wanted by the CNB for questioning or investigation purposes. The individuals on the list come from various backgrounds and nationalities, but they all have one thing in common – they are wanted by the law.

How does the CNB wanted list work?

The CNB wanted list is updated regularly and circulated among law enforcement agencies in Singapore and abroad. The list contains the names, photographs, and possible whereabouts of the wanted individuals. Law enforcement officers are asked to be on the lookout for these individuals and to report any sightings or information to the CNB. The CNB also offers rewards to individuals who provide useful information that leads to the arrest of wanted individuals.

What should you do if you spot a wanted individual?

If you spot a wanted individual on the CNB list, you are advised not to approach them directly. Instead, you should immediately contact the CNB or the local police authorities. You can provide information anonymously, and the CNB offers a reward for useful information leading to the arrest of wanted individuals.

Why is the CNB wanted list necessary?

The CNB wanted list is necessary to ensure that drug-related crimes are investigated thoroughly, and the individuals responsible for such crimes are brought to justice. The list also serves as a deterrent to those who may be considering involvement in drug-related activities, as they know that they will be pursued relentlessly by law enforcement agencies if they are caught.

What are the possible consequences of being on the CNB wanted list?

If you are on the CNB wanted list, it means that you have been identified as a person of interest in drug-related crimes. If you are apprehended, you will be subjected to rigorous questioning, investigation, and potentially criminal charges. In Singapore, drug-related offenses carry severe penalties, including life imprisonment and the death penalty. Being on the CNB wanted list also means that your whereabouts are known to law enforcement agencies, and you will constantly be pursued until you are apprehended.


The CNB wanted list is a vital tool in the fight against drug-related crimes in Singapore. It serves as a warning to potential offenders that drug-related activities will not be tolerated, and they will be pursued relentlessly if caught. If you spot a wanted individual on the list, do not approach them directly but report any sightings or information to the CNB or local police authorities.

Remember, drug-related crimes are taken very seriously in Singapore and can result in severe penalties. If you are involved in drug-related activities, it is essential to seek help and guidance immediately to prevent further harm to yourself and others around you.

Greetings to all the readers who have landed up on this page. This blog post explores the Singapore CNB Wanted List.

Singapore is a beautiful country that attracts tourists from all over the world. The island-nation has a rich culture, breathtaking modern architecture, and bustling nightlife. However, like any other thriving country, Singapore faces its own set of challenges in terms of law enforcement.

The Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) is an agency of the Government of Singapore responsible for maintaining law and order, in particular, against drug abuse and trafficking. One of the central roles of the CNB is to identify and apprehend individuals who are engaged in drug-related offenses. In line with this objective, the bureau has released a Wanted List that contains the names of individuals suspected of drug abuse or trafficking.

The Wanted List has been created to keep track of individuals who are on the run from law enforcement agencies. The aim is to capture these individuals and bring them to justice. The bureau is constantly updating the list as and when new information comes to light.

It is important to note that the individuals listed in the CNB Wanted List are suspects, and their guilt has not been established. In other words, they are innocent until proven guilty in court. However, if you have any information that could assist the bureau in its investigations, you can contact them anonymously.

It is essential to fight the menace of drugs, not just in Singapore but across the world. Drugs have the potential to destroy lives, families, and communities. The CNB is working tirelessly to prevent drug abuse and trafficking from happening, and the Wanted List is just one of the many tools at their disposal.

If you know anyone who is abusing drugs, or is involved in any form of drug trafficking, it is crucial to seek help immediately. Drug abuse can have severe long-term consequences on an individual's physical and mental health, and it is important to treat it early.

In conclusion, the Singapore CNB Wanted List is an indicator of how seriously the country takes drug abuse and trafficking. The bureau is working hard to apprehend suspects and bring them to justice. As responsible citizens, we must do our part and report any suspicious activity to the authorities. Together, we can make Singapore a safer place for everyone.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post. If you have any comments, please feel free to share them below.

Here are some common questions that people also ask about Singapore's CNB Wanted List:

  1. What is the CNB Wanted List?
  2. The CNB Wanted List is a list of individuals who are wanted by the Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) for drug-related offenses.

  3. How do I access the CNB Wanted List?
  4. The CNB Wanted List is publicly accessible on the CNB's website. You can also obtain a copy of the list from any CNB office.

  5. What information is provided on the CNB Wanted List?
  6. The CNB Wanted List includes the name, age, photograph, and last known address of each individual, as well as a brief description of their drug-related offenses.

  7. How often is the CNB Wanted List updated?
  8. The CNB Wanted List is updated regularly as new individuals are added and current individuals are apprehended. However, there is no set schedule for updates.

  9. What should I do if I have information about someone on the CNB Wanted List?
  10. If you have any information about an individual on the CNB Wanted List, you should contact the CNB immediately. You can call their hotline at 1800-325-6666 or submit a tip online through their website.

  11. Can I be rewarded for providing information about someone on the CNB Wanted List?
  12. Yes, the CNB offers rewards of up to $10,000 for information that leads to the arrest of wanted individuals. The amount of the reward depends on the significance of the information provided.

People Also Ask About Singapore CNB Wanted List

1. What is the Singapore CNB Wanted List?

The Singapore CNB Wanted List is a compilation of individuals who are wanted by the Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) in Singapore for their involvement in drug-related offenses. These individuals are considered fugitives and are actively sought after by law enforcement authorities.

2. How does the CNB create its Wanted List?

The CNB creates its Wanted List based on investigations and intelligence gathering related to drug trafficking and other drug-related crimes. When the CNB has sufficient evidence to link an individual to such activities, they are added to the Wanted List. The list is constantly updated as new information becomes available.

3. What crimes are individuals on the CNB Wanted List accused of?

Individuals on the CNB Wanted List are primarily accused of drug trafficking offenses, which include the import, export, manufacture, or supply of controlled substances. These individuals may also be involved in other drug-related crimes, such as money laundering or organizing drug networks.

4. Are individuals on the CNB Wanted List considered dangerous?

While every case is unique, individuals on the CNB Wanted List are generally considered to be involved in serious criminal activities, specifically drug trafficking. As such, they may pose a risk to public safety due to potential involvement in illicit drug trade and associated criminal networks.

5. How can I access the CNB Wanted List?

The CNB Wanted List is regularly shared with the public through various channels, including the official website of the Central Narcotics Bureau. Additionally, local media outlets often report on updates and appeals for information regarding individuals on the list. This information helps to engage public support and aid in the apprehension of wanted individuals.

6. What should I do if I have information about someone on the CNB Wanted List?

If you have any information regarding individuals on the CNB Wanted List, it is crucial to report it to the authorities immediately. You can contact the CNB directly through their hotline or approach any local police station. Remember, your assistance could contribute to maintaining public safety and combating drug-related crimes.

7. Are there rewards for providing information leading to the arrest of individuals on the CNB Wanted List?

Yes, the CNB may offer rewards for information that leads to the successful arrest and prosecution of individuals on the Wanted List. The specific details and eligibility criteria for such rewards are typically communicated by the CNB when appealing for information about wanted individuals.

In summary,

  • The Singapore CNB Wanted List consists of individuals wanted for drug-related offenses.
  • The list is created based on investigations and intelligence gathering by the CNB.
  • Wanted individuals are primarily accused of drug trafficking crimes.
  • They may pose a risk to public safety due to involvement in serious criminal activities.
  • The CNB Wanted List is accessible through official channels and media outlets.
  • If you have information about someone on the list, report it to the authorities immediately.
  • Rewards may be offered for information leading to the arrest of wanted individuals.