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Find Your Furry Friend: Hamster For Sale in Singapore - Affordable and Adorable Options Available!

Hamster For Sale Singapore

Looking for a hamster for sale in Singapore? Explore our wide range of adorable hamsters and find your perfect furry friend today!

Are you a pet lover looking for a furry friend to add to your family? Look no further than hamsters! These small, adorable creatures are perfect for those with limited space or busy schedules. If you're living in Singapore, you're in luck – there are plenty of hamsters for sale right here in our city-state.

But before you rush out to buy the first cute and cuddly hamster you see, it's important to do your research and know what you're getting into. Here are some things to keep in mind when considering a hamster as a pet:

First and foremost, hamsters require enough space and a proper habitat to thrive. Tank size is especially important – a smaller tank can lead to stress and ultimately harm your hamster's health.

Once you've got your hamster's housing sorted, you'll need food, bedding, and other supplies. But where should you go to find these things in Singapore? There are many pet stores, both physical and online, that offer a range of hamster supplies to suit any budget.

But what about the hamsters themselves? Where can you find them for sale in Singapore? One great option is to check out online classifieds or local pet adoption agencies. These outlets often have a variety of hamsters available for purchase or adoption, from baby hamsters to adults.

Another great place to look for hamsters is at pet stores across Singapore. These stores often have a dedicated section for small animals like hamsters, featuring a range of breeds and ages to choose from.

But why choose a hamster over other pets, like cats or dogs? For one thing, hamsters are much more low-maintenance – they don't require daily walks or grooming, making them ideal for busy pet owners. Plus, they're soft and fluffy, making them perfect for cuddling up to on a lazy Sunday afternoon.

And did you know that hamsters are active creatures? They love to play and explore, so providing them with toys and tunnels is not only fun for them but also essential for their mental and physical well-being.

However, it's important to note that hamsters are not suitable pets for everyone. If you have small children or other pets, it's important to supervise interactions between them and your hamster to avoid any potentially dangerous situations.

If you do decide that a hamster is the right pet for you, it's important to do your research and make sure you're providing them with the proper care and attention they need. With the right environment and lots of love, your new furry friend will be a cherished member of your family for years to come.

In conclusion, if you're looking for a small, low-maintenance pet that still has plenty of personality, look no further than hamsters for sale in Singapore. Just be sure to do your research and provide them with the right care they need to live happy and healthy lives.


Hamsters are adorable creatures that have become popular pets for families in Singapore. They are small, furry, and energetic little creatures that can bring joy and happiness to any household. For those interested in owning a hamster, there are several things to consider, including where to buy one and how to properly care for it.

Where to Find Hamsters for Sale in Singapore

If you are looking for a hamster to purchase, there are several places where you can find them in Singapore. One of the most common places to find them is at pet stores. These stores often carry a variety of breeds such as Syrian, dwarf, and Roborovski hamsters. In addition to pet stores, some breeders may advertise their hamsters online or in classified ads.

When choosing where to purchase your hamster, it's important to consider the reputation of the seller. Make sure that they have a good track record of providing healthy hamsters and that they are knowledgeable about their care. Look for reviews and ask for recommendations from friends or family who have experience with buying hamsters.

Choosing the Right Hamster

There are several different types of hamsters to choose from, each with their own unique personality and characteristics. Syrian hamsters, also known as teddy bear hamsters, are one of the most popular types and are known for their friendly demeanor. Dwarf hamsters are smaller in size and are more active, making them great for kids to watch and play with. Roborovski hamsters are the smallest of all hamsters and are known for their high-energy levels.

When choosing a hamster, it's important to take into consideration the breed, gender, and age of the hamster. It's recommended to choose a hamster that is at least 6-8 weeks old and has been socialized with humans so that they are comfortable being handled. Additionally, be sure to choose a hamster that is healthy and active, with bright eyes and clean fur.

Caring for Your Hamster

Once you have selected the perfect hamster for your household, it's important to properly care for them. Hamsters require a cage that is sufficiently sized for them to play and explore in. The cage should also be cleaned regularly to maintain a hygienic environment. Additionally, hamsters require a balanced diet consisting of fresh fruits and vegetables, and a high-quality hamster food.

In addition, hamsters need exercise, and this can be provided through a variety of toys and activities, such as running wheels, tubes to climb through, and chew toys. It's essential to make sure that your hamster is receiving enough stimulation to keep them happy and healthy.

The Benefits of Owning a Hamster

Owning a hamster can bring many benefits to a household. Not only are they adorable creatures that can bring joy and entertainment to your family, but they can also help teach children about responsibility and the importance of caring for living creatures. Additionally, having a pet can provide emotional support to individuals who may be struggling with mental health issues, as pets have been shown to reduce stress and anxiety.


Overall, owning a hamster can be a rewarding experience for any family. By choosing a reputable seller, selecting a hamster that is right for your household, and providing proper care and attention, you can enjoy many years of companionship with your furry friend. If you're considering getting a hamster, take the time to research and prepare, as it can be a big commitment, but one that is definitely worth it.


Hamsters are one of the most popular pets, especially in Singapore. They are small, cute and easy to take care of. However, with so many hamster breeds available and different breeders and pet stores to choose from, it can be overwhelming for a potential buyer to find the right hamster for sale in Singapore. This article will compare different aspects of hamsters for sale in Singapore, including price, breed, age, and health, to help you make an informed decision.

Price Comparison

The first and perhaps the biggest factor that a potential buyer will consider is the price of hamsters in Singapore. Depending on the breed and where you buy, the price of hamsters can vary significantly.

Breeder/Pet Store Price Range
Pet Lovers Centre $8 - $50
The Pet Safari $10 - $90
My Hammy House $20 - $40
Private Breeders $15 - $100

As you can see, there is quite a difference in the price range between pet stores and private breeders. While pet stores may seem cheaper, it's important to note that some pet stores may not provide the best care for their hamsters, which can affect the health of the hamster in the long run.

Breed Comparison

Another important factor is the breed of hamster you want. In Singapore, the most common breeds of hamsters are Syrian hamsters, Dwarf hamsters, and Roborovski hamsters.

Syrian Hamsters

Syrian hamsters, also known as golden hamsters, are one of the most popular breeds of hamsters in Singapore. They are larger than other hamster breeds and have a long, fluffy coat. They are also solitary creatures and should be housed alone to prevent fighting.

Dwarf Hamsters

Dwarf hamsters are smaller than Syrian hamsters and come in different colors and patterns. They are social creatures and can be housed together in same-sex pairs or groups.

Roborovski Hamsters

Roborovski hamsters are the smallest of all hamster breeds and are very active and fast. They are social creatures and can be housed together in same-sex pairs or groups.

Age Comparison

The age of hamsters is also an important factor to consider when looking for hamsters for sale in Singapore. Generally, younger hamsters are easier to train and bond with. However, if you're looking for a hamster that has already gone through the baby phase and has a more established personality, you may want to consider getting an older hamster instead.

Baby Hamsters

Baby hamsters, also known as pups, are usually around 4-6 weeks old when they are sold. They are very small and fragile and require special care and attention.

Adult Hamsters

Adult hamsters are typically 6 months and above and are more independent. They may take longer to bond with their new owners, but they are generally easier to take care of.

Health Comparison

Finally, it's important to consider the health of hamsters when looking for hamsters for sale in Singapore. Healthy hamsters should have bright, clear eyes, a clean coat, and a good appetite.

Pet Stores/Breeders

When buying from pet stores or breeders, it's important to check if the hamsters are kept in clean and spacious cages. If the cages are dirty or overcrowded, it's likely that the hamsters are not receiving proper care.

Rescue Centers

If you're considering adopting a hamster from a rescue center, make sure to check the history of the hamster and if it has any health issues. It's also important to note that rescued hamsters may require more attention and care compared to hamsters that were bought from pet stores.


Ultimately, finding the right hamster for sale in Singapore will depend on your personal preferences and budget. Do your research and consider all factors before making your purchase. Remember that hamsters are living creatures that require love and attention, so be prepared to provide them with the care and attention they deserve.

Hamsters are one of the most popular pets in Singapore. These small fluffy creatures are adored by many not just for their cute looks but also for their gentle and friendly nature. Hamster ownership requires a lot of responsibility, hence getting one should not be taken lightly. Here are some tips on finding a hamster for sale in Singapore.

Choosing the right breed

Before beginning your search for hamsters for sale in Singapore, you need to understand which breed might be the best choice for you. The four most common hamster breeds in Singapore are the Syrian, Roborovski, Campbell, and Winter White.

The Syrian hamster is the most popular breed due to its larger size and long hair. The Roborovski hamster is known for its high energy levels and could be a good choice if you plan on owning a few hamsters. The Campbell's dwarf hamster and the Winter White dwarf hamster are the smaller breeds, both being very sociable with humans.

Where to buy

There are several places where you can look for hamsters to purchase in Singapore. The most popular places include pet shops, online marketplaces, and breeders.

Pet shops have a broader range of hamsters but may come at a more significant cost. Online marketplaces offer convenience and cheap prices, but there’s always the risk of buying from an unreliable source. Breeders offer expert advice, healthier hamsters, and can help educate you on owning a hamster properly.

Healthy hamsters

When looking for hamsters for sale, it's essential to consider their health. Healthy hamsters should have shiny, bright eyes, alert behavior, clean fur, no visible injuries or blemishes, and should be moving around actively.

You should avoid hamsters that are lethargic, have dull coats, wet noses, or discharge from their eyes or nose. Also, don't buy hamsters with bald patches, a hunched posture, and overgrown nails.

Caring for your hamster

Hamsters require attentive care to stay happy and healthy. Before bringing a hamster home, it's vital to create a suitable environment and plan for their care.

Hamsters need a spacious cage with lots of opportunities for exercise, regular feeding, and bedding changes. Their diet should consist of fresh vegetables, fruits, and high-quality pellets. Provide fresh water in a bottle, not a bowl, to prevent spills and contamination.

Handling your hamster

Most hamsters are friendly and love to be held, making them a great choice as pets. However, it's important to handle them carefully as they can be easily injured.

To pick up your hamster, gently cup their body and bring them up to your chest. Always make sure to support them properly to avoid moving erratically or falling. You can start by handling your hamster for a few minutes each day and gradually increase the time to build a good relationship.

The bottom line

Choosing the right hamster is crucial to owning a happy and healthy pet. By considering breed, where to buy them, and how to care for them, you're on the right track to finding the perfect hamster for you.

Remember to only buy hamsters from reputable sources and prioritize their health to ensure that they live a long and fulfilling life.

Hello there, hope you're having a great day! We've gathered some insights and information about Hamster For Sale Singapore for anyone who is interested in having one as a pet. Being aware of what you need to do and know beforehand will help you maintain better care for your pet hamster, as well as ensuring your mental preparation towards owning one.

First of all, hamsters are active creatures. They love being adventurous by running and climbing around their play area. Not only that, but hamsters are also nocturnal animals. So, they'll be primarily active during the night and sleep throughout the day. If you're a light sleeper, then you might have to think twice about putting a hamster in the same room as you.

Next, it's vital to be mindful of the different breeds of hamsters available before purchasing one. Syrian hamsters, also known as golden hamsters, can grow to 6-7 inches long and don't socialize well with other hamsters. Dwarf hamsters, on the other hand, are smaller in size, easier to handle, and can live peacefully with other dwarf hamsters of the same gender. Knowing what you prefer and can handle is essential when searching for the right hamster for you.

Choosing the right cage for your hamster is just as important. There should be enough space for your hamster to play in, especially considering that they need ample exercise daily. Some cages come with built-in wheels for hamsters to run on, while others have tunnels to climb through. Making sure your hamster is comfortable in their cage will impact their health and happiness.

A balanced and nutritional diet is crucial for hamsters. Giving them healthy food such as diced carrots, broccoli, or leafy greens is beneficial to their overall health. But beware, feeding them more than they should subjects them to obesity, which can lead to health issues later on. Likewise, giving them more protein than required may cause liver diseases and urinary tract problems. So, avoid feeding them meat or cheese consistently.

Cleanliness is important for both you and your pet hamster. Regular cleaning of their cage, toys, and water bottle will ensure a hygienic environment for your hamster, which will keep them healthy. Make sure you clean their cage weekly, though it might not always be because of their mess. If left alone, food, and other contaminants can attract pests into the cage, which are breeding grounds for germs.

There are several places to find a Hamster For Sale Singapore, including online shops, pet stores, and animal shelters. It's essential to be mindful when picking the right place. Animal shelters are an excellent option because adopting from them helps to support their efforts to save animals. Not only that, but they'll usually provide a lot of information and resources to help care for your new pet.

Pet stores and online shops also offer Hamsters For Sale Singapore. It would be best if you researched where you will buy a hamster beforehand. Regrettably, some unscrupulous breeders don't treat their hamsters humanely and carelessly, causing health problems in the hamster. Be sure to choose well-known stores with good reputations to ensure buying a healthy and happy hamster for visitors.

Finally, when you bring your Hamster For Sale Singapore home, it's essential to give them time to adjust to their new surroundings. Setting the cage up in a peaceful and low-traffic area can help your hamster feel secure and calm. It's best to avoid loud noises or sudden movements around the cage while your hamster adjusts to their new home. Remember to be patient when trying to bond with your new pet, as hamsters have different personalities and behavior, and it might take some time to bond with them.

All the guidelines mentioned were essential to make sure that you and your future hamster will have a great relationship together. Don't forget to give the necessary attention to your hamster, primarily when taking care of their meals, exercise, and grooming needs. Enjoy the time spent with your new furry companion and have fun bonding over playing and caring for each other. We hope you found this informative and useful. Thank you for reading!

When it comes to buying a hamster in Singapore, there are a lot of questions that potential owners might have. Here are some of the most common People Also Ask queries about hamsters for sale in Singapore:

1. Where can I find hamsters for sale in Singapore?

  • You can typically find hamsters for sale at pet stores across Singapore.
  • Another option is to search for online classifieds or forums where local breeders and sellers may advertise their hamsters.

2. How much do hamsters for sale in Singapore cost?

  • The price of a hamster in Singapore can vary widely depending on the breed and where you purchase it from.
  • On average, you can expect to pay anywhere from SGD $10-30 for a Syrian hamster, and SGD $8-15 for a dwarf hamster.

3. What types of hamsters are available for sale in Singapore?

  • The most common types of hamsters available for sale in Singapore are Syrian hamsters (also known as Golden Hamsters) and dwarf hamsters.
  • There are also other breeds that may be available, such as Russian hamsters or Roborovski hamsters, although these are less common.

4. What should I look for when buying a hamster in Singapore?

  • When choosing a hamster, look for one that is alert and active, with clear eyes and a healthy coat.
  • Make sure the hamster is not too young (ideally at least 6-8 weeks old) and has been handled regularly by people to ensure it is relatively tame.
  • Also, check that the hamster is housed in clean, spacious conditions and has access to fresh food and water.

5. Do hamsters require any special care or supplies?

  • Hamsters typically require a cage with plenty of bedding material, as well as food and water dishes, toys, and a wheel for exercise.
  • They also require a balanced diet of hamster food and occasional fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Owners should clean the cage regularly and provide fresh water and bedding at least once a week.

If you're considering buying a hamster in Singapore, be sure to do your research and choose a reputable seller who can provide you with all the information and support you need to ensure your new pet is healthy, happy, and well-cared for.

People Also Ask About Hamster For Sale Singapore

1. Where can I find hamsters for sale in Singapore?

In Singapore, you can find hamsters for sale at various pet shops, online marketplaces, and through individual breeders. Some popular places to look for hamsters include:

  • Pet shops like Pet Lovers Centre, Pet Safari, and The Pet Family.
  • Online platforms such as Gumtree, Carousell, and Facebook groups dedicated to pet sales.
  • Contacting local hamster breeders who may have available hamsters for sale.

It is important to research and choose a reputable source to ensure that the hamsters are healthy and well-cared for.

2. How much do hamsters typically cost in Singapore?

The price of hamsters in Singapore can vary depending on factors such as breed, age, and rarity. On average, the cost of a hamster in Singapore ranges from SGD 10 to SGD 30. However, certain breeds or unique color variations may be priced higher. Additionally, prices may also differ between pet shops, online sellers, and breeders.

3. What are the most common hamster breeds available in Singapore?

In Singapore, the most commonly found hamster breeds are Syrian hamsters (also known as golden hamsters) and Dwarf hamsters. Syrian hamsters are larger in size and are typically more docile, while Dwarf hamsters are smaller and more active. There are also variations within these breeds, such as long-haired Syrians or Roborovski Dwarfs.

4. Are there any specific requirements for keeping a hamster in Singapore?

Yes, there are specific requirements for keeping a hamster in Singapore. Under the Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) regulations, all hamsters must be licensed and microchipped. Additionally, owners are required to provide suitable housing, proper diet, and regular veterinary care for their hamsters. It is also important to ensure that the hamster's environment is safe and enriching.

5. What should I consider before buying a hamster in Singapore?

Before buying a hamster in Singapore, it is important to consider the following:

  1. Time and commitment: Hamsters require daily care, attention, and interaction.
  2. Space: Ensure you have adequate space for a hamster cage and accessories.
  3. Costs: Consider the initial setup costs, ongoing expenses, and potential veterinary bills.
  4. Compatibility: Check if a hamster fits well with your lifestyle, family, and other pets.
  5. Research: Learn about the specific breed's needs, behavior, and lifespan.

Taking these factors into account will help ensure a positive and responsible hamster ownership experience.